Take Part In an Online Study About Coffee Packaging and Flavor Perception

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Last year, the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) announced a new research partnership that is investigating the effect of packaging on flavor perception. This two-year project is aimed at understanding how the different aspects of a coffee’s packaging affects and influences consumers’ perceptions of specialty coffee quality, attributes, and value. We anticipate that the results of this research will have interesting implications for the decisions we make on packaging and presenting coffee to consumers.


Up for participating in some science?

The University of Campinas, Brazil and the Coffee Science Foundation are looking for participants for this multisensory research. To be eligible for the study, participants need to be located in the United States and non-professional coffee consumers (not coffee industry professionals) who have been drinking at least one cup of specialty coffee a day for at least a year (with no sugar added). As this study relies strongly on color perception, unfortunately those with color blindness are not eligible for this study.


Sign up!

Register your interest by completing this entrance survey, and get ready to learn more about flavor perception all while playing an important part in coffee research.

You can also help us by spreading the word. If you know someone who would be interested in taking part, direct them to the survey too! This study is open to many participants and are hoping for as many sign-ups as possible. 

Thank you for supporting coffee science and helping make coffee better!


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