Understanding Physical Defects in Green Coffee – Impact on Sensory, Aroma Formation and Green Bean Composition
The Coffee Science Foundation and Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) have launched a new research project exploring the impact of physical defects in green coffee on sensory attributes, aroma formation, and green bean composition.
This project, led by researchers at the Coffee Excellence Center at ZHAW, aims to revisit and evaluate relevant defects detailed in the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) Green Coffee Classification System (GCCS) and the new Coffee Value Assessment (CVA). Though the SCA’s Green Coffee Classification System and other coffee classification systems have existed for more than a century, this is the first research project seeking to provide robust scientific evidence to inform a green coffee standard.
The research will focus primarily on the sensory properties but will also feature chemical analysis through which the researchers hope to determine the causes of the defects, and possible health risks (if any) associated with defective beans. Coffee samples for the project will be sourced by a team at the Universidad Surcolombiana Neiva, led by Professor Nelson Gutierrez Guzman.
Financial support and project guidance are provided by the Coffee Science Foundation, with investment from the Specialty Coffee Association.
Published Research Outputs
“Understanding Physical Defects in Green Coffee” is a new project and does not yet have published research outputs.