Understanding Green Coffee “Defects” and Their Effects

In coffee grading and sensory analysis, “defects” are defined as physical or sensory attributes which are universally regarded as undesirable in the coffee trade. The SCA Grading and Value Assessment systems both include reference to defects and penalize coffees with identified defects. Because of
this penalty, a coffee with significant defects will instantly be regarded as unacceptable in the specialty coffee marketplace. For this reason, the topic of defects is of major importance to buyers and sellers alike; it can mean success or failure for many actors in the specialty coffee supply chain. We therefore bear special responsibility to identify and define defects thoroughly and with abundant evidence.

Perceptions about defects- particularly those which are identified sensorially- are not consistent or uniform throughout the coffee industry. Also, it is not clear how physical defects, which are well defined, impact the sensory profile of coffees.

We hope to launch a project aimed at gathering evidence about coffee defects, aimed at understanding exactly which attributes are truly universally unacceptable, how they can be identified chemically and sensorially, and how they can be clearly defined for the coffee industry. We seek to develop a specific defect lexicon with references.

We are seeking a funding partner, or partners, willing to underwrite this work and serve as a research partner, helping perfect the research question, research design, and participate in dissemination of research findings. Get in touch with us to participate.