What is the Mission?

To advance the understanding of coffee and secure its future through research, knowledge building, and outreach.
What is the Coffee Science Foundation (CSF)?
The CSF is a nonprofit research institution dedicated to advancing the knowledge of coffee and securing its future trhough research, knowledge building, and outreach. The CSF supports academic and applied research in a variety of disciplines, including physical science, sensory science, consumer science, sustainability, economics, and the social sciences.
The Coffee Science Foundation is a 501(c)(3) Charity and serves as the research wing of the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA).
Why a Science Foundation?
Coffee is an important part of people’s lives, and serves as a source of culinary enjoyment and economic activity for millions of people- from farmers to consumers- worldwide. Paradoxically, coffee has historically been under-researched compared to other agricultural products. The Coffee Science Foundation is dedicated to closing the research gap for the benefit of coffee producers, consumers, and the millions of people whose livelihoods are supported by the coffee trade.
Critical questions for coffee include:
What qualities make coffee so compelling to so many?
How can we measure the sensory attributes of coffee to make it more enjoyable? How can we make coffee production more valuable to the millions of small farmers who grow it?
How can the coffee industry become more sustainable and prepare to face the challenges of climate change and increasing demand?
Current research projects investigate sensory analysis techniques to develop improved tools for the industry, discover how value is created in coffee and how it can be maximized, and research sustainability interventions to understand their actual impact.
How does it work?
The Coffee Science Foundation brings together the coffee industry and the academic research community, supporting and guiding research to benefit the entire coffee chain. Our work is made possible by partners who provide financial resources, used to support scientists, students, and researchers who provide openly-available research to the entire community. Research outputs are then disseminated freely and openly to the coffee community and general public.
If you or your company are interested in supporting this work, we’d love to hear from you at info@coffeesciencefoundation.org
How far have we come?
The following list contains the titles of projects that are currently in progress or have been recently completed:
The Fundamentals of Filter Coffee Brewing
Understanding the Chemical and Sensory Differences Between Hot and Cold Brewing
Evaluating the Effects of Brewing Parameters on Sensory and Chemistry in Espresso – Developing a New Espresso Brewing Chart
Understanding Interventions’ Effect on Farmer Prosperity
Understanding the Role of Labor in Specialty and Commercial Coffee Production
Optimizing Sensory and Physical Characteristics of Alternative Milks
Visit our Project Index for a full library of research outputs.
How do I get involved?
The Coffee Science Foundation relies on support from companies and organizations active within the coffee industry.
If you’re interested in getting involved with the work of the Coffee Science Foundation, we would love to talk with you about current opportunities , and how partnership could positively affect the future of coffee.
Email us at info@coffeesciencefoundation.org