We aim to understand coffee and secure its future through research, knowledge building, and outreach.

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“Coffee has been historically under-researched, and specialty coffee even more so. Other industries like wine, cheese, and even tomatoes and melons have been much more thoroughly researched. The CSF was founded to support and drive coffee research, to benefit consumers and the coffee industry alike. There are still many mysteries in coffee—what makes it taste so delicious? How can we make coffee taste better, and do better in the world? Like all agricultural products, coffee faces unique challenges in the face of climate change, changing consumer preferences, and supply chain issues. We aim to support scientific research that can help provide valuable evidence to help us make the difficult decisions these challenges will bring. Join the Coffee Science Foundation’s efforts to secure the future of specialty coffee through industry funding towards collaborative, pre-competitive, scientifically rigorous research to benefit the coffee industry.”
Peter Giuliano
Director, Coffee Science Foundation