CSF Releases Request for Proposals for Defects Research

Request for Proposals: Understanding Physical Defects in Green Coffee and their Impact

For over 20 years, the Specialty Coffee Association has published a schema, called the SCA Green Coffee Classification, which defines certain physical attributes of coffee as “defective”. “Defect” is defined as a material property of the green or roasted coffee beans that is broadly seen as negative. The Coffee Science Foundation seeks to investigate these “defects” and their impact in the context of modern sensory, chemical, and toxicological science, in order to provide high-quality information to the SCA and inform their upcoming revision of the SCA Green Coffee Classification and the Coffee Value Assessment.

The Coffee Science Foundation (CSF) has released a Request for Proposals, seeking researchers to investigate the impacts of green coffee defects on sensory attributes of coffee.  We encourage anyone with a background in coffee defects, agronomy, postharvest processing and sensory science to submit! The complete RFP is available below.

Qualified individuals with a proven record of accomplishment in scientific investigation in relevant disciplines are welcome to submit a request.

Proposals period ended May 31 2024. For similar opportunities please contact us.


CSF Releases Request for Proposals on Discovering How Value Is Created in Coffee and How It Can Be Maximized


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