What is the Mission?


To advance the understanding of coffee and secure its future through research, knowledge building, and outreach.


How does it work?

  • The Coffee Science Foundation (CSF) engages with entities who provide both restricted (project-specific) and unrestricted funding.

  • CSF provides funding and guidance to independent research entities.

  • Research projects are managed by the CSF.

  • Outputs of the CSF are disseminated through the Specialty Coffee Association, Coffee Roasters Guild, and other publications, events, and media.

How far have we come?

  • Coffee Science Foundation has been established in the state of California.

  • CSF is in the process of being approved as a 501c3.

  • Two major research projects in process (funded); three in “Requests for Proposals” stage. Dissemination will begin on CSF projects this year.



What is our strategy?

  • Demonstrate competence in research management and effectiveness for existing (restricted-funding) projects.

  • Pursue unrestricted funding through engagement with potential unrestricted funders.

  • Populate open board seats with unrestricted funders in 2020.